Here are the features and options that make our Announce24 platform
one of the best Kiosk content management softwares on the market
Browser based
Announce24 is a browser based platform for touchscreen kiosks or as an easily set up website to enable organisations to create and share content with their patients, customers or workers.
Great flexibility
Easily Control the content menu you want to make available on public PCs or touchscreen kiosks – with Announce24:
a. All kiosks or PCs to show the same menu and content or…
b. Designated kiosks can show different menu / content
All easily set up, modified and controlled from one PC or kiosk based anywhere. Any manager who needs to show their audience information or gather information from them will find adding and modifying Announce24 content and styling an easy everyday job from their own PC
You have full control
The basic template for showing content on Announce24 is the same in each case but the styling is under customer control. Colours, shapes, text, fonts, logos and pictures are all under customer control.
The menu structure is as large as you make it and the links and content the same. Unlike a traditional website there is no coding to be done and no complicated template modules to navigate.
Just simple adding of menu headings and the content (your content) to be shown – including websites or webpages you want to feature.
Multiple buttons options
9 onscreen major heading buttons for 9 separate (or related) content streams (3 button screen for the free Announce24-Lite version)

Can be used for many purposes
9 content streams can be:
a. user action based – (for filling in forms, report a problem, request a service online etc)
b. information based (for the user).
Many accepted formats
Content can be any PDF, video, word doc., exel spreadsheet, picture or URL link
Infinite headings and links
The number of menus and links you can show on any of the 9 major button headings is infinite.
(10 per button on the 3 button Announce24 Lite free version)
URLs white listing
Adding URL links can be on a whitelist basis (just the URLs you choose to make available) or on a blacklist basis (all URLs except the ones you block)
Kiosk software compatible
Announce24 is recommended to be used with Openkiosk or Kioware lock down software to ensure that the PC or kiosk showing your Announce24 menu and content cannot be used for any other purpose other than Announce24 menus and links you set up.

Survey module
Announce24 has a comprehensive survey module where any length / detail survey can be run on one public PC / kiosk or many. Many styles of question and answer to choose from. Easily composed on any PC anywhere and deployed on as many PCs / kiosks as required – and anywhere.
Overall survey results from all kiosks / PCs running the survey collect together and form tabular or graphical results for easy and quick evaluation.
Flexible module integration
A survey can be incorporated into an information based Announce24 content and menu. It means you can offer all the content within the Announce24 9 heading menu and also offer the user to fill in a survey at the bottom of the screen – after the user has accessed the content required.

We support you all the way
Whilst simple to set up and administer, we will assist you in the initial set up of the content and menu to get off to a speedy start and we will continue to help where required. We are easily available on the telephone.